2016/17 + 2022/23 – Modbury Heights (South Australia) – Bromodichloromethane, Temperature

Modbury Heights  (South Australia) – Bromodichloromethane

2016/17: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Bromodichloromethane 70ug/L (max), 46.33ug/L (av. 2022/23)

11/1/23: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Bromodichloromethane 73ug/L (max), 50ug/L (av. 2022/23)

WHO Guideline level BDCM: 60ug/L (Australian Guideline for BDCM is included in the Trihalomethane (THM) combined total of BDCM, Chloroform, Dibromochloromethane and Bromoform. THM guideline is 250ug/L)

“Carcinogenicity : Bromodichloromethane is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals.
Cancer Studies in Experimental Animals: Oral exposure to bromodichloromethane caused tumors at several different tissue sites in mice and rats. Administration of bromodichloromethane by stomach tube caused benign and malignant kidney tumors (tubular-cell adenoma and adenocarcinoma) in male mice and in rats of both sexes, benign and
malignant liver tumors (hepatocellular adenoma and carcinoma) in female mice, and benign and malignant colon tumors (adenomatous polyps and adenocarcinoma) in rats of both sexes (NTP 1987, ATSDR 1989, IARC 1991, 1999).

Modbury Heights – South Australia – Temperature

November 23 2016: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Minerva Cr – Temperature 21C

November 30 2016: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Minerva Cr – Temperature 24C

December 21 2016: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Minerva Cr – Temperature 22C

January 25 2017: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Minerva Cr – Temperature 28C

February 8 2017: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Minerva Cr – Temperature 29C

February 22 2017: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Minerva Cr – Temperature 28C

March 22 2017: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Minerva Cr – Temperature 27C

April 24 2017: Modbury Heights (South Australia) Minerva Cr – Temperature 23C


“No guideline is set due to the impracticality of controlling water temperature.
Drinking water temperatures above 20°C may result in an increase in the number of

Temperature is primarily an aesthetic criterion for drinking water. Generally, cool water is more palatable than warm or cold water. In general, consumers will react to a change in water temperature. Complaints are most frequent when the temperature suddenly increases.

The turbidity and colour of filtered water may be indirectly affected by temperature, as low water temperatures tend to decrease the efficiency of water treatment processes by, for instance, affecting floc formation rates and sedimentation efficiency.

Chemical reaction rates increase with temperature, and this can lead to greater corrosion of pipes and fittings in closed systems. Scale formation in hard waters will also be greater at higher temperatures…

Water temperatures in major Australian reticulated supplies range from 10°C to 30°C. In some long, above-ground pipelines, water temperatures up to 45°C may be experienced…

The effectiveness of chlorine as a disinfectant is influenced by the temperature of the water being dosed. Generally higher temperatures result in more effective disinfection at a particular chlorine dose, but this may be counterbalanced by a more rapid loss of chlorine to the atmosphere (AWWA 1990).

Chlorine reacts with organic matter in water to produce undesirable chlorinated organic by-products, and higher temperatures increase the rate of these reactions.

Temperature can directly affect the growth and survival of microorganisms. In general the survival time of infectious bacteria and parasites is reduced as the temperature of the contaminated water increases.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011