2016/23 – Nangwarry (South Australia) – Mercury, Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids

Nangwarry (South Australia) – Mercury

August 16 2016 – Nangwarry (South Australia) – Mercury 0.00329mg/L

Mercury: Australian Drinking Water  Guideline 0.001mg/L

Mercury, if it enters the ecosystem can transform into the more toxic methylmercury where it can bioaccumulate. Methylmercury is highly toxic to human embryos, fetuses, infants and children. Mercury has numerous sources including old gold mines, where mercury was used in gold recovery process. It has been estimated that 950 tonnes of
mercury was deposited into Victorian soil, rivers and streams during the various gold rushes.

Nangwarry – South Australia – Hardness

August 16 2016: Nangwarry (South Australia) – Calcium Hardness 325mg/L

November 8 2016: Nangwarry (South Australia) – Calcium Hardness 362mg/L

February 28 2016: Nangwarry (South Australia) – Calcium Hardness 330mg/L

May 23 2016: Nangwarry (South Australia) – Calcium Hardness 330mg/L

2018/19: Nangwarry (South Australia). Hardness 330mg/L (max), 324.7mg/L (av.)

2018/19: Nangwarry (South Australia). Hardness as CaCO3 376mg/L (max), 371.5mg/L (av.)

2019/20: Nangwarry (South Australia) Total Hardness as CaCO3 393mg/L (max), 380.75mg/L av.

2019/20: Nangwarry (South Australia) Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 342mg/L (max), 332mg/L av.

2022/23: Nangwarry (South Australia) Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 335mg/L (max), 314.25mg/L av.


“To minimise undesirable build‑up of scale in hot water systems, total hardness (as calcium
carbonate) in drinking water should not exceed 200 mg/L.

Hard water requires more soap than soft water to obtain a lather. It can also cause scale to form on hot water pipes and fittings. Hardness is caused primarily by the presence of calcium and magnesium ions, although other cations such as strontium, iron, manganese and barium can also contribute.”

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011

Nangwarry (South Australia) – Total Dissolved Solids

2018/19: Nangwarry (South Australia) Total Dissolved Solids 600mg/L (max), 580mg/L (av)

2022/23: Nangwarry (South Australia) Total Dissolved Solids 627mg/L (max), 610.5mg/L (av)


“No specific health guideline value is provided for total dissolved solids (TDS), as there are no
health effects directly attributable to TDS. However for good palatability total dissolved solids
in drinking water should not exceed 600 mg/L.

Total dissolved solids (TDS) consist of inorganic salts and small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water. Clay particles, colloidal iron and manganese oxides and silica, fine enough to pass through a 0.45 micron filter membrane can also contribute to total dissolved solids.

Total dissolved solids comprise: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulfate, bicarbonate, carbonate, silica, organic matter, fluoride, iron, manganese, nitrate, nitrite and phosphates…” Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011