Water treatment problems at Farmers Creek Supply System causes bigger issues

March 8 2022: https://www.lithgowmercury.com.au/story/7648730/lithgow-residents-to-boil-water-before-consuming-it/

Lithgow City Council is asking Lithgow residents to boil their water before drinking or food preparation.

Recent conditions, including excessive rainfall and highly turbid water in the catchment, have caused problems with water treatment making drinking water in the Farmers Creek supply system unsafe.

South Bowenfels, Bowenfels, Littleton, South Littleton, McKellars Park, Oakey Park, Sheedys Gully, Cobar Park, Morts Estate, Vale of Clwydd and Hermitage Flat

Customers in these suburbs are advised to boil water prior to use for drinking or food preparation until they are notified that this measure is no longer required.

2022 March: Sheedys Gully (NSW) – Turbidity

Water treatment problems at Farmers Creek Supply System causes bigger issues

March 8 2022: https://www.lithgowmercury.com.au/story/7648730/lithgow-residents-to-boil-water-before-consuming-it/

Lithgow City Council is asking Lithgow residents to boil their water before drinking or food preparation.

Recent conditions, including excessive rainfall and highly turbid water in the catchment, have caused problems with water treatment making drinking water in the Farmers Creek supply system unsafe.

South Bowenfels, Bowenfels, Littleton, South Littleton, McKellars Park, Oakey Park, Sheedys Gully, Cobar Park, Morts Estate, Vale of Clwydd and Hermitage Flat

Customers in these suburbs are advised to boil water prior to use for drinking or food preparation until they are notified that this measure is no longer required.